Oxygen Provider
Most injured divers are breathing and require supplemental oxygen. The Oxygen Provider Module is designed to teach the skills needed to perform this task safely and effectively. In addition this course will introduce novice divers to the fundamentals of dive accident recognition, response and management. This program provides an excellent training opportunity for divers and continuing education for leadership-level divers and instructors.
Prerequisites: Must be a diver
Minimum age: 14
Course duration: 4 hours
Course dates: On request or in conjunction with CMAS 2**, CMAS 3** course.
Basic life Support (BLS)
The course will not only train divers and non-divers to resuscitate an injured person with a circulatory arrest, but can also prevent a person from getting in that condition. External bleeding, choking and shock can lead to severe circulatory and respiratory problems. The DAN BLS course will prepare you to react in the correct way, when accidents happen.
The Basic Life Support course, represents entry level training designed to educate persons in providing Basic Life Support techniques to adult victims with life threatening injuries, while activating the local medical services.
The DAN Basic Life Support provider («DAN BLS Provider») program is designed to teach the knowledge and skills needed to provide Basic Life.
Other Courses
PADI Courses
PADI: Professional Association of Diving Instructors®. The Way the World Learns to Dive®. PADI is the world’s leading scuba diver training organization.

CMAS Courses
The Confederation Mondiale des Activites Subaquatiques (CMAS) is the World Underwater
Federation. It was founded in Brussels on September 28, 1958. As such, it is one of the world’s
oldest scuba diving organizations.