Want some extra activity under water, want to share your memorable moments and the beautiful scenery you see with your family and friends? Digital underwater photography is the correct specialty for you.
Min Certification (OW) Min Age(10) Dives(2)
Neutral buoyancy can be hard to maintain sometimes, even after being certified as an Open Water Diver. Learn the correct amount of weight you need and how to stay neutrally buoyant perfectly with the peak performance buoyancy specialty course. Enjoy your dives in maximum comfort.
Min Certification (OW) Min Age(10) Dives(2)
There is so much to explore in the sea… Why not go beneath the 30 metres limit? But safety comes first! So, to master emergency procedures, risk management, and an in depth coverage on dive planning, as well as to practice skills at depth will during the deep diver specialty course will give you the confidence and experience for the safest deep dives.
Min Certification (AOW) Min Age(15) Dives(4)
Everything at night time is different to what you are used to at day time, this is also valid for diving at night, as well… A reef you are very familiar with is so much different at night time… So many different species come out and stand steady as you watch them at night… No way one can tell the real thrill of a night dive, you should just experience it for yourself… Take the night diver specialty course to learn about night dive planning, equipment and navigation for your safety and comfort.
Min Certification (OW) Min Age (12) Dives (3)
It is amazing how the dive leaders find the way back to the boat, isn’t it? Take the navigation specialty to learn and practice how to find your way back right to the spot you want, using the compass and the natural features as reference.
Min Certification (OW) Min Age(12) Dives(3)
Diving from boat seems so easy, doesn’t it? But keep in mind, there is a lot to learn and keep in mind to ensure your safety and comfort while doing dives from boat. Have fun in the safest way, possible. Learn more about entry and exit techniques, equipment, preparation and storing, mooring techniques, safety and emergency procedures. Ensure your safety while having fun.
Min Certification (OW) Min Age(10) Dives(2)